Who we are
Assemble Media Group is an independent publisher and events business based in East London. Our vision is to continue to be an award-winning and globally growing media, events, intelligence, and education business for professionals and companies striving to impact the built environment.
We are built upon nearly 180 years of history. Our flagship brand, Building, was launched in 1843 by the prominent architect and inventor, Sir Joseph Hansom. Hansom launched Building as “the Builder” before it was eventually rebranded as Building in 1966. Today, Building is part of Assemble’s global community of B2B brands curating various services.
Why choose us
Join over 100,000 paid individual and corporate members including the Top 150 UK and European Contractors; Top 150 Global Construction Consultants; Top 100 Global Architects; plus leading construction clients, regulators, governmental authorities and global city leaders.